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Water quality analysis on the
Cooloola & Sunshine Coasts.
Now 26 years in water analysis for 2025.

Sunshine & Cooloola Water Analysis
Proudly a local laboratory supporting the Sunshine and Cooloola Coast community, with experienced, professional,
affordable and timely water analysis, from Nambour, Noosa, to Gympie.
Water analysis includes Thermotolerant Coliforms (E.coli aka Faecal, Total Coliforms), and chemistry, dependent on the water source and intended use. A report is emailed, usually in 2 days or up to a week during busier times.
With 20+ years experience working in local council laboratories and finally Unitywater, I discovered a need for more efficient, local water testing service on the Sunshine and Cooloola Coast, especially for those customers on tank and bore water. I've put together a list of testing suites most suitable for rainwater tanks and bore/ground waters, and compare the analysis with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG), and/or the Water Quality Guidelines for irrigation and livestock. Refer to the QLD Health Fact Sheets for more info on Guidance on use of Rainwater tanks, and Safe water on rural properties. If you would like to know the water, I can help identify any potential water quality issues so you can make a more informed decision as part of your risk management for drinking, domestic or irrigation use.
Sampling & Analytical Services
Most of our water quality testing is for domestic, irrigation, drinking water quality testing on Tank and Bore/Ground water. Analytical Services' page has a list of analysis testing suites most suitable. Quality Control (QC) checks and analytical methods follow good laboratory practices and procedures. Our point of difference is some explanation of results, rather than just the reporting of numbers with little or no comparison with any guidelines or real world applications.
Infections and Parasites (Microbiology)
Why do municipal drinking water suppliers enumerate E. coli?
Microbial quality of drinking water is commonly measured by testing for Escherichia coli as indicators of faecal contamination and the possible presence of enteric pathogens and other disease causing micro-organisms, including but not limited to; Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio and Yersinia. The ADWG states that 'E. Coli should not be detected in a 100 mL sample of drinking water, and if detected, immediate action should be taken to identify potential sources of faecal contamination'. It is impossible to test for every type of potential disease causing organisms in a water sample, consequently, drinking water suppliers test for an indicator organism, such as E. coli, to check for possible pathogens. We perform microbial analysis for detecting and enumerating E. coli (AS 4276.5:2019 ) or
Enterococci (AS 4276.9:2019 ) for marine matrix.
There are many water testing parameters we can analyse for an informed selection of the most problematic elements depending on the intended use. Analytical methods are referred to in 'Standard Methods for the Examination of Water & Wastewater' 23rd Ed. and Lovibond photometric Methods. We use laboratory equipment with internal and traceable standard calibration solutions, no pool tests kits or any home water testing kits.
As previously mentioned, we will compare the analytical results with the ADWG and/or irrigation, livestock guidelines. Heavy metals including Arsenic, Copper and Aluminium can be a leaching contaminant from industrial and agricultural activity most applicable to bore/ground water. Rain water from the roof (tank water) include internal plumbing of Aluminium, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Copper and Zinc. Bore water elements include Manganese (Mn) which reacts strongly with chlorine and other bleaches causing stains, as would be the case if topping up a swimming pool. This is also why Mn is closely monitored by municipal drinking water suppliers and also a potential issue with irrigation at higher levels.
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